Kelly Robinson
Kelly starts her PhD at St Andrews this year, examining environmental and hormonal influences on seal sociality and timing of breeding.
Wully Patterson
Wully Paterson is the new team member for 2010. Wully, a Glasgow zoology graduate, has been with the Unit for a few years now, but switched from working on uses of infra-red technology in seal biology to take on a central role in the photo-ID project. This is his first season on Rona. Wully is a vegetarian and already misses his boxer dog, Dylan.
Hannah Wood
Hannah Wood is the 4th member of our team this year. Hannah graduated from St Andrews with a first in Marine Biology and has been working in SMRU for around a year. This is her first experience of seal fieldwork and is unsure of whether to be more impressed with the smell inside the hut or down in the colony.
Dr. Paddy Pomeroy
Biologist at the Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St Andrews. His research looks at how individual differences translate into population-scale effects.